Phobia Buzz Feed Buzzfeed Phobia Top


16 Childhood Fears Ranked By How Little I Think About Them In Adulthood

If I perish in a quicksand related incident, please disregard this post.

Mary Colussi


Tell Us What You're Afraid Of And We'll Guess Your Zodiac Sign

Are you afraid of the dark? Snakes? Interesting...


This Terrifying Quiz Features Spiders, Snakes, And Other Creepy-Crawlers — Can You Face Your Fears And Finish This Test?

Honestly, don't say I didn't warn you.

Liz Richardson


Choose Some Phobias And We'll Give You A Horror Movie Franchise To Watch


Bella Javier


If You're Afraid Of Less Than 6 Of These Things Then You're Really Brave

Check off anything that scares you, even a little bit.



All We Need Is 8 Questions To Know What You're Most Afraid Of

Fear is the one thing you can count on.

Jughead Jones


We'll Guess Your Favorite Chocolate Based On What Scares You The Most

🚨Trigger Warning 🚨 Don't take this if you have severe phobias.



We Know What Your Phobia Is Based On How You Deal With These Scenarios

Pho·bi·a — an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.



We Know Your Biggest Fear Based On The Haunted House You Create

*coughs* I am afraid of nothing.



We'll Guess Your Biggest Fear After You Eat A Bunch Of Rainbow Food

Let's just hope your biggest fear isn't rainbows.



Warning: This Thalassophobia Quiz Is Not For The Faint Of Heart

Can you handle these pictures?

Stephen LaConte


Tell Us About Your Fears And We'll Reveal Which "Vampire Diaries" Creature You Are

Are you out for blood?



Here Are 50 Of The Most Common Fears — How Many Do You Have?

Are you afraid of the dark?

Jon-Michael Poff

A List Of Phobias You Probably Have Without Realizing It Yet

Yep, turns out I have Thalassophobia.

Andy Golder


Can We Guess Your Biggest Fear Based On The Urban Outfitters Shopping Spree You Go On?

It's time to face those torments.


Can You Name These 7 Phobias?

Are you scared?


17 Readers Share Their Weirdest And Most Specific Fears

"Getting stuck in a revolving door forever and ever."

Davi Rocha


Everyone Is Either Woody Or Buzz — The Things That Scare You Will Reveal Which One You Are

You've got a friend in me!


Black Panther Is Triggering Trypophobia And The Internet Has Thoughts

Warning: This post contains images that may make people with trypophobia incredibly uncomfortable.

Shannon Rosenberg

Sidonglobophobia Is A Real, Terrifying Thing And You Don't Want It

Sidonglobophobia is the fear of cotton. And it's not funny. Seriously.

Mike Spohr


Your Reaction To These Off-Putting Photos Will Reveal How Brave You Really Are

Be honest!

Erin Chack

15 Uncommon Phobias That People Actually Have

You probably were never afraid of dying in a hotel and embarrassing your mom... until now.

Davi Rocha


Write A Scary Novel And We'll Guess What You're Most Afraid Of

It's not scary if you're the one writing it, right?


How Do Your Phobias Compare To Other People's?

A room full of spiders – or clowns?

Becky Barnicoat

You Are Positively, Definitely, 100% Acrophobic

You just never called it that before.

Becky Barnicoat

People Are Actually Going Out Of Their Way To Avoid "AHS's" New Ads

Warning: This post contains images that may make people with trypophobia incredibly uncomfortable.

Shannon Rosenberg


Only People Without Trypophobia Will Be Able To Finish This Quiz

If you have trypophobia, this will probably be a challenge.

Andrea Hickey

How To Know If You Have Myxophobia (Fear Of Slime)

Do you hate slime? Does the sight of the gooey, stretchy stuff freak you out? Well here's how to tell if you're really have Myxophobia. (A fear of slime)


If Any Of These Pictures Bother You, You Definitely Have Pediophobia

If you'd rather crawl through glass than watch Annabelle, this post is for you.

Hilary Mitchell

You Have Katsaridaphobia... You Just Don't Know It Yet

And maybe a little bit of entomophobia too.



You Might Not Know It, But It's Extremely Likely That You Have Thalassophobia

And maybe even a little bathophobia, just for good measure.

Phil Jahner

Nyctohylophobia Is Terrifying And You Probably Have It

I never knew what it was called until now!!

Jessica Misener


Hylophobia Is A Very Real Thing And You Definitely Have It

There's a reason that bodies are always found in the woods.

Hilary Mitchell

You Have Homichlophobia, And So Does Everyone Else

One minute you're having a nice walk; the next you can't see. Nope.

Hilary Mitchell


Build A Nightmare And We'll Reveal Your Deepest, Darkest Fear

Don't turn off the lights.

Lauren Garafano

If You Can't Make It Through This Post Without Cringing, You Might Suffer From Chaetophobia

Do these images send a thousand shivers down your spine?

Davi Rocha

Even If You're Just A Little Nervous About Escalators, You Won't Make It Through This Post

I'll just take the stairs, thanks.

Phil Jahner

Trypanophobia Is Real, And If You Can't Make It Through This Post, You've Got It

Trypanophobia is the fear of syringes, needles, and injections. It's real as hell.

Phil Jahner


How Well Do You Know Your Phobias?

Ablutophobia is a rather common fear.

Davi Rocha

24 Photos That Will Be Extremely Uncomfortable For Claustrophobics

Tight spaces? No thanks!

Karsten Schmehl


Only A Brainbox Can Get 100% On This Phobia Quiz

WTF is pediophobia? WARNING: contains triggers

Becky Barnicoat

18 Photos That'll Make You Feel Very Small And A Little Nervous

Do large objects make you uncomfortable? No? How about after reading this post?

Erin Chack

If Any Of These Pictures Bother You You Definitely Have Coulrophobia

Man, these things are scary.

Dave Stopera

Thalassophobia Is A Real, Terrifying Thing And You Definitely Have It

Thalassophobia is the fear of the sea. You probably have it.

Dave Stopera


This Word Jumble Will Tell You What You're Afraid Of

Maybe it's a fear you've had all along, or maybe it's one you never knew about...until now.

Andrea Hickey

People Face Their Fear Of Snakes

"Don't throw it at me!"


We Took People Who Were Terrified Of Snakes And Had Them Face Their Biggest Fear

"I hate you for doing this to me..."

Kelsey Jones

Phobias You Won't Believe Exist

You have nothing to fear but everything.

Dimitri Simakis


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